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The /æ/ sound is a short vowel sound in the English language that is pronounced with the tongue positioned low and forward in the mouth. It can be found in many everyday words such as "cat", "bag", "man", and "hand".



Single syllable words: 

cat, hat, bat, mat, sat, pat, rat, chat, flat, glad, mad, pad, sad, tad, bad, add, dad, had, lad, cad, rag, tag, sag, wag, bag, nag, gap, lap, map, sap, cap, tap, yap, zap, jack, back, pack, rack, tack, yak, black, track, crack, snack, whack, stack, lack, knack, flap, snap, trap, clap, wrap, scrap, brat, chat


Two syllable words:

apple, battle, cabin, captain, chapter, damage, fabric, gallon, jacket, ladder, manage, napkin, package, rabbit, saddle, talent, vacuum, wagon, actor, banner, camera, gather, hammer, lantern, mansion, panic, racket, savage, talent, exact, canyon, damage, family, galaxy, handle, jasmine, lantern, magnet, package, scandal, tablet, valley.



Black cats have bad habits.

Jack and Max packed a black sack.

The rat sat flat on the mat.

As a passionate amateur naturalist, Jack gladly packed his rucksack with snacks, maps, and cameras before setting out on his backpacking adventure, hoping to spot fascinating plants and animals such as badgers, hares, and black adders, and perhaps capture some stunning landscapes on film, as he hiked through the lush valleys and vast moorlands of the Lake District.



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