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Hits: 14139

Fred's French fries are freezing in the freezer for Friday's family feast.


Now, let's go through some different variations of the exercise:


Repeat each word individually, emphasizing the correct pronunciation:

Fred's / French / fries / are / freezing / in / the / freezer / for / Friday's / family / feast.


Repeat each word slowly and clearly with a slight pause between them:

Fred's... French... fries... are... freezing... in... the... freezer... for... Friday's... family... feast.


Repeat the sentence at a natural speed, emphasizing the connecting sounds:

Fred's French fries are freezing in the freezer for Friday's family feast.


Repeat the sentence with emphasis on the stressed syllables:

FRED's FRENCH FRIES are FREEZ-ing in the FREE-zer for FRI-day's FAM-i-ly FEAST.


Repeat the sentence with different intonations to convey different emotions:

Fred's French fries are freezing in the freezer for Friday's family feast. (neutral)

Fred's French fries are freezing in the freezer for Friday's family feast? (questioning)

Fred's French fries are freezing in the freezer for Friday's family feast! (surprised)

Fred's French fries are freezing in the freezer for Friday's family feast. (annoyed)


Frankie's frog Fred is afraid of the fireworks on Friday night.


Now, let's go through some different variations of the exercise:


Repeat each word individually, emphasizing the correct pronunciation:

Frankie's / frog / Fred / is / afraid / of / the / fireworks / on / Friday / night.


Repeat each word slowly and clearly with a slight pause between them:

Frankie's... frog... Fred... is... afraid... of... the... fireworks... on... Friday... night.


Repeat the sentence at a natural speed, emphasizing the connecting sounds:

Frankie's frog Fred is afraid of the fireworks on Friday night.


Repeat the sentence with emphasis on the stressed syllables:

FRANK-ie's FROG Fred is a-FRAID of the FIRE-works on FRI-day NIGHT.


Repeat the sentence with different intonations to convey different emotions:

Frankie's frog Fred is afraid of the fireworks on Friday night. (neutral)

Frankie's frog Fred is afraid of the fireworks on Friday night? (curious)

Frankie's frog Fred is afraid of the fireworks on Friday night! (concerned)

Frankie's frog Fred is afraid of the fireworks on Friday night. (sympathetic)

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