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There are twenty vowel sounds in British English pronunciation. This includes seven short vowel sounds, five long vowel sounds, and eight diphthong vowel sounds. We can further categorize each vowel sound according to their respective positions on the monophthong chart. For further materials, sign up here.



The short vowel sounds 短母音:


1.æ cat, man, hat, van, black

2.ɪ kit, big, hit, live, rich

3.ʊ book, wolf, hood, wood, could

4.ɛ send, end, bed, red, desk

5.ɒ hot, top, box, dog, strong

6.ʌ sun, duck, bulb, bus, hut

7.ə again, adapt, advance, across


The long vowel sounds 長母音


8.iː sleep, need, feet, heat

9.ɜː nurse, bird, third, curse

10.ɔː talk, fall, north, horse

11.uː new, noon, too, few

12.ɑː car, far, hard, large


Diphthong vowels 二重母音


13.ɪə near, hear, fear

14.eə hair, pair, there

15.eɪ rain, lane, main

16.ɔɪ noise, toy, coin

17.aɪ rice, kite, my

18.əʊ no, those, low

19.aʊ how, round, loud

20.ʊə pure, cure, tour


Front vowels 前舌母音: æ ɪ ɛ

Central vowels 中舌母音: ə ɜː ʌ

Back vowels 後舌母音: ʊ ɔː ɒ ɑː

A cup of tea please (ə kʌp ɒv tiː pliːz)

A bottle of water (ə ˈbɒtl ɒv ˈwɔːtə)

Made in Japan (meɪd ɪn ʤəˈpæn)

I’m Japanese (aɪm ˌʤæpəˈniːz)

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